Audience Feedback

| 6 April 2011 | |
Audience Feedback 1

1). (a) On a scale of 1-10 how do you rate this as a Thriller, Horror?
I would rate it as an 8.

(b) And why?
It is an 8 due to all the constant flash-backs and the clowns which make it scary and more thrilling. It also is scary at all the points were the teddy bear is being stabbed as well as the way the girl is walking then all of a sudden she starts to walk normally, this makes me think what’s happing adding suspense which makes me more interested in the plot. I also find it a little scary at how she changes all of sudden adding a twist to the whole production.

2). How do you rate the acting against other student films?
The acting by the young girl that has a unusual walk is very realistic, she portrays the character very well showing the emotion of a crazy person amazingly, the way the walk was carried out throughout until all of a sudden she stopped looking innocent and straightened her walk up then we saw a completely other side of her which she did very well. The other girl, the victim portrays her role well i find the crying very realistic and believable. Using younger children works very well.

3). (a) Do you think the quality of the camera work was good or bad?
There were a few shaky shots however the way the shots were cut makes it able to get away from focusing on that few (1 or 2) however it is very continuous and had been built together well. I like the whole constant flash-backs which drag you away from the story to show you what will happen without you realising it, it gives you a fright as you watch it.

(b) What was your favourite shot?
My favourite shot is the shot were it is set in the park and you can see children playing in the park those two shots joint together flow very well and so i like that shot the best as it is very simply done yet has a lot of impact to the level of camera work.

4). Was the music conventional to a Horror Thriller film?
The music throughout the two minutes built tension as the track became higher at the main parts of the story-line. The music at the end was my favourite it built tension and was very creepy completely conventional to a thriller horror film. The song fits into the plot extremely well because of the younger characters used it creates more of a feeling of horror and portrays the unpredictable story.

5). Do you think there was a build up of tension throughout the sequence?
Yes a lot of tension because of all the events that occur throughout the two minutes there is no give up on the plot therefore the audience has to unfold it and so building tension as it goes a long. As well as this i find the music builds up tension (as i said before). I really like the girls walk and how she all of a sudden can walk normally i think that builds a lot of questions.

6). Did the shots flow together (continuously)?
Yes the shot were continuous the radio shot of how it was turned off and all the radio background of events occurred which also build tension switched of at the same time and you could hear the click of the radio being turned off. This adds a touch of realism and makes the two shots as well as the audio fit in extremely well.

7). Did you understand the story-line?
Yes i did, it was a bit un-understandable but that fitted in with the sequence as i felt the end is where we were meant to be able to start understanding everything more clearly. About the girl being an insinuator of the killings and getting someone else to have the blood on their hands showing the evil side of the girl as she goes around picking children her age that she can tell her partner in crime to kill leaving her completely blood free while he has to carry all of it on his shoulders.

8). What did you think of the use of props?
I think the use of props have been used effectively as a lot of blankets, the skull ring , toys are scattered around as well as various weapons.

9). What do you think of the settings?
The setting portrayed the plot very well; the dull cold looking setting really builds up the plot and portrays the thriller genre very well. I also like the shot where the girl (victim) is crying and when she stops all of a sudden and sighs you can see steam or smoke coming out from her mouth showing its cold this really is one of my favourite things and I think the setting is what makes it possible.

10). If this was a 3 minute trailer would you be enticed to watch the whole film?
Yes definitely I think as a student film it has potential however i would have to see a bit of improvement in the couple of shaky shots to make it completely perfect for the low budget it was filmed in. However i would like to know what happens next and what happens to the girl and boy that carry out all these murders.

Audience Feedback 2

1). (a) On a scale of 1-10 how do you rate this as a Thriller, Horror?
A 7 ½.
(b) And why?
I think it is a horror Thriller because of all the different incorporations of clowns which are a common scary prop to use for such a genre. I also think the use of weapons and the setting portray a thriller. As well as the use of younger children to play the murder and victim this is becoming a big thriller convention in the day of today. This is because it adds mystery and suspense built up during the whole sequence.

2). How do you rate the acting against other student films?
Compared to Hollywood films the acting level is low however as this is a low budget student film with young actors that have no acting experience, the acting is amazing a high standard for these circumstances. I really like the way the two girls don’t get out of their film roles and are always focused on the plot not even diverting slightly.

3). (a) Do you think the quality of the camera work was good or bad?
I saw very few maybe two or less shots which were a bit unsteady yet I find this hasn’t affected the sequence as they are not easily spotted and a easily been diverting the audience away from it. I find the continuous flow throughout the sequence makes up for this.

(b) What was your favourite shot?
My favourite shot is not actually one but all the flash backs especially the one of the teddy being stabbed the sudden close up on the little girls eyes watching other children play at the park and the way they are distorted and shaky really add a sense of tension and completely drag the attention of the audience away from figuring out what is happening to early once these shots unfold themselves you can see the true intentions, I think this was done very well as you are influencing the way the audience thinks and looks at the events.

4). Was the music conventional to a Horror Thriller film?
Yes the music was a typical convention to the thriller genre as I feel the music in itself builds the plot up with the pace and uneasiness in the background. Together with the background music i find this works extremely well as the whole plot it built up with this.

5). Do you think there was a build up of tension throughout the sequence?
Yes i think the use of music and the way the girl walks builds a lot of tension especially since it is mixed up with all these random linked in some way to the plot.
6). Did the shots flow together (continuously)?
Yes I think this is a very strong part of the sequence the way shots flow together which isn’t normal because of all the shots added in the middle however each event and section seems to flow very well into the next. I think this is one of the strongest sections in this piece.

7). Did you understand the story-line?
Yes I did I found it a little confusing towards the beginning but I understand when the girl reached the kind of house like a garage that seems like a very cold place, this is the place in which all the killings and murdering take place.

8). What did you think of the use of props?
Props have been used well it is not a section I concentrated on much because I found the whole use of the clown mask a thriller convention and the teddy bear swinging making it all very interesting however I never looked at anything in particular while I was watching it. I was concentrating at the flash-backs.

9). What do you think of the settings?
I think the park is a good starting setting as it just shows innocence as it is a place children go to play at however I really like the change to the garage of empty massive rooms which is built in such an intense cold way.
10). If this was a 3 minute trailer would you be enticed to watch the whole film?
Yes and no I wouldn’t know what would happen since i pretty much could guess the story however I can also see a bigger twist happening which is something I would really be interested in seeing. So overall yes i would want to watch the whole film if it was to be made.

Audience Feedback 3

1). (a) On a scale of 1-10 how do you rate this as a Thriller, Horror?
I would rate it at 8

(b) And why?
Because I think the clip should have had a little bit more blood, but overall it is pretty good, I am still trying to work out the connection with the clown and would want to see more just for that, so I can understand the connection in more detail as well as pick up the plot more clearly as this is only a taster i find it draws my attention to the story making me want to keep watching.

2). How do you rate the acting against other student films?
I haven’t seen many student films so this is hard question however compared to lower budget films I find it acts as a good standard in comparison.

3). (a) Do you think the quality of the camera work was good or bad?
The camera quality was pretty good. However in some places i found it a little shaky yet not really realising it until I actually paid attention and was made aware of the whole sequence as a whole. I think to improve this; a steadier camera would make a huge difference in these shots. Yet they are gone un-noticeable when you watch the sequence if you pay close attention they are spottable. 

(b) What was your favourite shot?
My favourite shot was the one with the girl walking; she did that walk really well and the big shaky eye. I think these shots really caught my eye and made me pay closer attention into the film as they really got me interested and they caused a lot of tension which made me really want to know what would happen keeping my attention and focus on the events that occurred.

4). Was the music conventional to a Horror Thriller film?
Yes it built tension and made me scared as they built a thriller-like atmosphere.

5). Do you think there was a build up of tension throughout the sequence?
There was a build up of tension because I was on edge wanting to see who the girl or the clown would pick on next, as in one scene there was a shot in the playground with other children, so who next?? And finally the big question WHY?

6). Did the shots flow together (continuously)?
Most of the time. It some parts because of the flash-backs it was quite choppy in places but that effect was in cooperated throughout the whole sequence and so i find it works well and can be looked at as continuous as that effect was used throughout the whole sequence.  

7). Did you understand the story-line?
Yes I did I liked the story-line too on how the girl pretends she can’t walk properly yet she can adding the whole sense of the story having that twist when she shakes and starts to walk normally as she enters the warehouse where all the murders are committed this creates a tense atmosphere.

8). What did you think of the use of props?
I think the props were good, the knives, old fashioned radio, scattered toys, blood stained cloth but this I felt should have had a little more blood. These all added the sense of the murder and how the child was twisted killing people her own age due to jealousy.

9). What do you think of the settings?
Good choice the playground and then the basement/warehouse so it was like an area of life to a big empty space...what a contrast

10). If this was a 3 minute trailer would you be enticed to watch the whole film?
Yes, like I said I would like to connect the clown to the story and also the voodoo kind of black doll

Audience Feedback 4

1). (a) On a scale of 1-10 how do you rate this as a Thriller, Horror?
I think this would be around an 8.

(b) And why?
I think it is around an 8 because of all the use of flash backs and the continuous flow and this making the thriller genre more clear. It also portrays the thriller genre because of the events and plot using younger actresses add to the sense of horror and thrill that the audience or watcher gets because of the shock that such events can be determined on how they unfold by such little innocent looking children.

2). How do you rate the acting against other student films?
I think compared to other student thrillers i have watcher over the internet i think is of good high quality. The story is more complex and isn’t just told to the audience but the audience has to think, to unfold it themselves. I think this makes the film more successful as everything isn’t give to the audience on a plate.

3). (a) Do you think the quality of the camera work was good or bad?
It was good quality for low budget film using different techniques such as over the shoulder shots and point of views. I really like the way the flash-blacks portray the bigger picture in the sequence.

(b) What was your favourite shot?
I really like the shot which is a fast motion point of view when going through the rooms i think this is a good example of also showing continuity as the shots didn’t just jump from one room straight to the other it acted as a guide throughout the setting to show the surroundings as well as well the bloody sheet was seen the only thing i think would be better if there was more blood while walking inside.

4). Was the music conventional to a Horror Thriller film?
The music was a typically for a thriller film. This is because of the tension crated and the way everything is put together with the music heightening it really adds a sense of anxiety and is true to the horror genre.

5). Do you think there was a build up of tension throughout the sequence?
Yes i think the build up of tension started at the beginning when the girl walked funny and really increased when she changed and could all of a sudden walk properly. This really increased the whole sense of tension. Also the music build up heightens certain events like the fuzzy noise when flash-backs are used and the distortions to them creates a tense and uncertain atmosphere.

6). Did the shots flow together (continuously)?
Yes considering the use of flash- backs shots did flow together I didn’t find it un-understandable because it all linked together well creating the overall feeling of all the shots and camera working together. It was edited well as it all links together.

7). Did you understand the story-line?
Yes I understood the story line of the girl being the murder or telling the guy Jack? What to do and him acting like a servant not saying a word just acting out her orders. As if she dominates his mind leaving him with no free-will but to do as she says and she is dangerous so no one will go against her.

8). What did you think of the use of props?
The use of props is done well using the skull ring, old radio and weapons, candles to create an almost ritual atmosphere, the voodoo doll enforcing this view. However i think a bit more blood could be used to enforce the horror of the events.

9). What do you think of the settings?
The settings were chosen very well i like the use of a normal place and then a secluded place.

10). If this was a 3 minute trailer would you be enticed to watch the whole film?
Yes because I really want to know what will happen next about the whole flash-backs whether they will continue and what else will happen whether something else will be added to create a twist.

Audience Feedback 5


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