Genre - Similar Textual Analysis - Jasmine

| 1 February 2011 | |
‘The Butterfly Effect’ is a physiological thriller (5 min text analysis)

The first thing we see in this film is the distribution company’s logo and theme music which is 'New Line Cinema', the studio logo is 'Aol Time Warner Company'. Portraying that the film is a major Hollywood Production. Once the film starts a superimposition of white text is used which fades up on a plain black screen, making it stand out and easily visible showing its importance. It is a quote from the 'Chaos Theory' which describes a "flutter of a butterfly's wings". Telling us that this enigma code must be relevant to the film and so may be what the film is based on, giving the audience something to think about. While the quote is on the screen we hear a sound of fluttering butterfly wings emphasizing the feeling of being scared and anxious. The sound and quote link together which makes the scene tenser. Discordant sounds of violins have been used overlapping each other with the same constant obtrusive paced tune giving us a sense of anticipation which makes us feel nervous.

A cut has been used taking us to the next scene; the only thing visible is plastic blinds. This co-notates that something is going to happen; it holds importance and suspense to the sequence the film has been edited in. The camera tracks along the blinds and a blur passes by, this makes us want to follow it, to see what it turns out to be. It moves fast almost ghostly and unrecognizable which makes us judge and question the humanity of the character behind it. Once the blur gets to the door you can’t tell who it is or make out any physical features yet you can just about tell it’s a man because you see defined muscles giving a very masculine shape. This tells us he is strong representing men stereotypically due to his manly structure. The scene fades out fast like a blackout. You see and hear him kick the door making the audience jump with fear from the loud bang as it was unexpected.  It also tells us he is in a hurry and the door must have been locked otherwise he would have opened it normally. Shutting the door in a rush he pushes a couch in the room to block the entry emphasizing he wants to be alone. He then takes a small box (of his belongings?) unknown to what is in there the audience is left assuming what it could be. He hides under a desk telling us he is frightened and co-notates that someone may be following him. It also tells us he isn’t the one in control the other men are. We hear the wind blowing which sounds eerie and gives us a scary vibe. It also adds to the supernatural view making it seem more ghostly and unordinary.

He starts writing on a notepad and speaking out aloud as his writing presenting his thoughts which increasingly add tension to the film. It makes us realize what he is saying is important which makes us listen even more carefully. Using a shaky, stiff mode of address when speaking aloud telling us he is scared and in a hurry. He says “if anyone finds this” which suggests he is writing a letter or diary. This gives us an intense feeling as he prepares us for his next words. There is a mid-close up of the man showing us his emotions. At this point he is shaky giving us the suggestion that he is nervous and ill. It also gives us a chance to look at his features closely; he has long curly hair and stubble co-notating he hasn’t been out for a while and doesn’t take complete pride in his appearance. This also tells us he is lazy and under-maintained which are another stereotypical view people have on the male gender. We see him wearing a blue robe co-notating he is in some type of hospital. He then looks to the side and we see a close-up of his face, you can see his nerves rising making him become more stiff suggesting that people he doesn’t want are nearby. He continues to speak aloud what his writing on the notepad he says “I’m already dead”. This tells us something big is about to happen and creates tension. It then cuts to the blinds and we can see torches and men telling us that they are looking for him suggesting he has run away from wherever he was before. It then cut back abruptly to the man hiding and gives us a close-up of the page he is writing on suggesting it is important. It zooms into the notepad till it focuses using an extreme close-up on the words “save her” which makes the audience confused because we are left wondering who? And what he is talking about. The notepad adds to the visual effects of the film. This is done as the paper tears up slowly as if it is floating then it blurs and you can see paper butterflies and hear their flittering noise. This emphasizes the theory that was quoted in the beginning, it links together keeping it flowing continually.

The name of the film appears on the screen and the butterflies fade into one flittering butterfly which later on fades into a brain scan. Co-noting that it is a physiological thriller and the movie has something to do with a brain and the way people think. The music in the background sounds like agitated butterflies and is very loud almost nerving and disturbing for the audience. This is a parallel sound as the flittering and butterfly compliments each other as a sound motif has been used to link them to the theme, emphasizing that it is one of the main points of the movie. So the audience can really relate the movie to the theory and understand it better. The butterfly and sound eventually fades out co-noting that the film is about to start.

Next there is a scene of a wealthy living area with big houses telling the audience that the residents nearby must have money and be higher in society. Using a shallow depth of field making the audience concentrates on the two black dots riding downhill the road on bicycles. This takes the audience on a journey of the area which establishes the setting. As they ride closer to the camera it pans to one of the houses. Seeing a young boy playing with a dog suggests when the title scene faded out we travelled back in time to see why he was writing. The previous scene also seems to be an action match as it makes two scenes flow and connect in the most realistic form. This tells us the end must be the beginning. This was done subtly, telling us it is a normal day in his childhood life. His mother calls him “Evan” he runs to her where she is standing by a car with the hood open suggesting she is fixing it, this shows the women to be stronger as she can do a ‘man’s job’. Evan says “we are going to be late again” suggesting they are usually late telling us they are a laid back family. Using shot reverse shot and eye line matches to show and make it clear they are talking to each other. Evan asks “is dad going to come?” this tells us that isn’t usually around his mum replying “it’s too dangerous for him” this shows that his father must have something wrong with him if it’s dangerous to be out, also suggesting he isn’t anywhere near. Evans response is “but Lenny says his dad is coming and Tommy and Kaylie’s” this portrays that Evan misses his dad and feels left out this is done to make us feel sorry and sympathize with him. This portrays him to be a stereotypical child that likes to ask questions and compare himself to others showing he is unsure of himself. The car engine turns on which is sound perspective as we can tell it’s close by but we can’t see it emphasizing women to be the stronger sex at this stage as she fixed the car and it works fine.

We then see the car moving and it stops mid close up from the camera showing us Evan and his mother in it and the tension that was built up from the previous scene. His mother is very loving and caring as he leaves the car she says “I love you” and Evan keeps quiet the silence revealing he is unhappy that his father isn’t allowed to come it shows us he doesn’t completely understand why. However as the school bell rings he waves showing that he still loves her which overall tells us in a mother son relationship the mother is always in control and the child can never stay angry with her. As his mother is about to drive away you see a lady smartly dressed knock on the window of the car, while she’s rolling down the window the lady says “I think you really need to see this”. It cuts to the classroom which is full of children. As the teacher walks in she scolds Tommy as he is hitting Lenny portraying he is a bully. Shot reverse shots are used to show the mother and teacher talking. The fact she says “I was going to show it to the principle” tells us it is something important. She pulls out a drawing and gives it to the mum. There is close up showing us what the drawing is about and telling us it is very important and holds great importance in the scene. Then a worm eye view has been used showing the mother looking at the picture baffled that her son drew the picture and he didn’t remember it. This shows us the worry on her face suggesting she has seen this before. This can be similar to the father’s situation?

It cuts to a building at night ‘Sunnyvale Institution’ telling us his mum thinks he’s got a mental illness or something linking to the brain in the title at the beginning. We can see Evan is scared of what is about to happen and that he doesn’t like going to this place in his expressions, he also mentions he finds it “creepy”. It cuts juxtaposing an eye which pulls focus to Evan’s head going into a MRI scanner. We see a close up of his face showing the blankness in his eyes as they are opened wide showing he is afraid.


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