Script Development - Script

| 4 February 2011 | |
Script Development

Thriller Script

- Some things have now been changed as the murder will be a girl (instead of the boy - Drake). She will now be named Ruby.
- Also instead of having a female carer it will now be a male carer whose name will be Jack.
- there will be no wheel chair now Ruby
(Drake) will have disabilities that are perpetuated such as stuttering and a limp which you will see are perpetuated when she enters the warehouse/house.

(0.00) Main film company logo.

(0.10) Sc 1. EXT. PARK,
a)  LS of Children playing in park, camera cuts.
b) Low angle MCS of a person’s wheelchair (Drake).
c) CU Drake’s hand gripping the gate surrounding the park. We see he has a skull ring on and a plaster around his thumb.
d) POV shot of children playing provocatively.
e) BCU Drake’s hand griping the gate even harder.
f) ELS Drake staring through park gates.

(0.35) Sc 2. EXT GRAVEYARD
(B&W canted angles) Rapid CU shots of fresh grave stones.

(0.45) Sc 3. EXT. HIGH ROAD,
Worm’s eye view cars passing by as wheels of the wheelchair move along pavement.

(0.55) Sc 4. INT. HOUSE
WA interior empty darkened room, showing axe and other such tools (curtains drawn).

(0.35) Sc 5. EXT GRAVEYARD
(B&W canted angles) Rapid CU shots of faces screaming silently.

a) BCU green pedestrian light flashes on.
 b) Rear view MS person in wheel chair crossing the road.

(1.10) Sc 7. EXT. HOUSE
a) LS Drake arriving outside the house.
c) Over the shoulder shot: Drake looks at house, track with him  as he wheels himself  to front door.
d) Cut to shot of exterior window s of house, curtains move.
e) Point of view:  Woman opens the door (we hear muted radio playing in background).
Right on time Drake.
g) LS (three-quarter back) woman wheels Drake into the house through the door.  Door starts to shut.

a) BCU door shuts.
b) LA MS camera tracking behind woman pushing Drake.  We see teddy bears, dolls, shoes and blood prints on the wall. Radio sound becomes clearer as they approach a room . Camera follows them into a unkempt living room.

(B&W canted angle) Rapid CU shots of feet being dragged out of shot.

a) POV MLS Drake looking at desk with a radio on it in corner of room …. Turns to woman.
Put it back … It’s better that way for now.
Camera pans with Mary as she goes to desk and picks up a teddy, taking it across to place it in the arms of a dead little girl on the floor in the other corner of the room.  We see that there are two other dead girls stacked up against her.
b) CU action with Teddy.
Yes, that’s a nice touch.
Screaming and crying
c) POV LS, rapid pan to a (live) girl tied up on a chair squirming in the other corner of the room.
d) MCU Girl’s terrified face as the screaming suddenly stops .
e) CU Drakes face is revealed for the first time. It’s an angelic looking young boy.
Won’t you stop this crying? I told you …
f) CU young girl looking even more frightened.
You’re my friend now.
g) Drake looks up at the woman standing beside him. He nods at her
Mary ….
h) Mary nods back at him, moving to pick up a powerful hedge trimmer before walking towards the tied up girl (moving out of shot).
i) (B&W canted angles) CU shots of clown pictures & theatrical masks plus rusty saw, chisels, old rope, screw drivers, on the desk.
SFX: Hedge trimmer being started.
Young girl (V.O)
f) CU blood splatters on wall.
You’re My Friend Now
Fade to black.


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