Target Audience - Jasmine

| 3 February 2011 | |
Target Audience


This questionnaire is just to find out what you want out of a thriller film to get ideas on how to create a film plot and get an understanding on what the public want.
Thank you for taking your time out to do this...
Have a nice day!

1). Are you male or female?
Female                        Male

2). What age group do you fall under?
10-15                           16-20                           21-30                           31-40                          

41-50                           50+

3). Do you enjoy thrillers?
Yes                              No

4). What is your preferred Thriller sub-genre?
Horror             &nbs   p;         Psychological                          Crime                          Action             

Legal                           Science Fiction                                   Supernatural                          

Drama                         Other (specify) ________________

5). On a scale point of 1-10 does the Thriller genre entertain you? (1 = Lowest ...10 = Highest)

6). What factors of a thriller film have the best effect on your emotions? (Tick 1 or more)
Music                            Dialogue                    Sound Effects                              Narrative

Setting                          characters                  Other (specify) ______________

7). Does the actor choice influence you when deciding whether or not to watch a movie?
Yes                                 No

8). Which Certificate rating best suits you? (Tick up to 2)
12A                              15                                18                                21

9). How many times do you watch thriller films in a year?

10). What is one of the best Thriller movies you have watched?

Questionnaire Analysis

Questionnaire Results

Are you Male or Female? 


This just shows the range of people that I asked altogether it equaled to 10 (6 Females and 4 Males). 

What age group do you fall under? 

10 = 15
16 = 20
21 = 30
31 = 40
41 = 50

Most people I asked were at ages of 10 to 20 this is because these are people we want to make the movie for. While still attracting the other age groups. Therefore I asked them too to get an overall opinion on what others think in order to make a successful Thriller opening sequence, something the public would like to watch. 

Do you enjoy Thrillers? 


This questions shows that all 10 people I asked like Thriller movies. Telling me that the Thriller genre is popular and therefore most likely to succeed in the film business.  

What is your preferred Thriller sub-genre?

Science Fiction
Super Natural

Most people prefer three types of sub-genres Horror, Action and Supernatural and the least popular was Science Fiction. By doing this research we know that doing one of the three popular ones will be more successful then the least popular. This gives us three choices overall to chose from.

On a Scale of 1-10 do Thrillers entertain you? (1=lowest…10=highest)

This questions answer shows that most people find Thrillers entertaining as the answers people gave showed that people like Thrillers 70-100% no less. This tells us it is an entertaining genre and most people like them.

What factors of a Thriller have the best affect on you? (Tick 1 or More)
Sound Effects

This questions show that the music characters and setting are most important this tells us that we need to make these factors the most interesting so they can attract watchers. We also need to make sure that the other factors are good however the other one better.

Does the Actor choice influence you when deciding whether or not to watch a movie?
This shows that most people are affected by the actors playing the characters in the movie telling us that we will need to make out characters the most believable and interesting with this we can make our opening sequence successful with our actor choice as most people (9/10) think the actors are influential to any good movie.

Which certificate rating best suits you? (Choose up to 2)
1= 12A
2= 15
3= 18
4= 21
This is to give us an idea on what certificate rating will be best for our film opening sequence. The most popular is 18 then 15 so our movie would have to be one of these in order for more people from our target audience will be attracted.

How many times do you watch Thriller film in a year?
0 = 10
10 = 15
16 = 20
21 = 25
26 = 30

This shows us most people watch between 10-20 Thriller movies every year which tells us they aren’t as popular as other genres but people still watch then even though they aren’t the most popular. Overall telling us that in order to be successful we need to make sure other aspects of the movies are even better in order to get more viewers and make a successful film.

What is one of the best Thriller movies you have watched?
The Ghost Writer
Butterfly Effect
This chart shows the 10 people I asked enjoy different Thriller movies. These answers give us a starting point on which one’s we should watch in order to get better ideas on how to create the best possible opening sequence. It also shows us the sub genres of people’s favourite Thriller films. 

In conclusion all the answers gotten from the questionnaire has increased out knowledge in order to make the most successful movie so that we can make the best possible beginning sequence. This helps us as more people are likely to watch the movie if we make it to their taste and interests.


Interview One

1). what do you like about the Thriller genre? And why?

I like the anticipation that comes from it and the suspense you never know what’s coming from it. I like this because it makes it more interesting and every Thriller has a different story line so it keeps you guessing and at the edge of your seat waiting to see what is going to happen next. The plots may be similar but the story always is gone about in a completely different way which gives it that much more thrill because there could be an endless line of possibilities.

2). Do you find Thrillers entertaining?
Yes very entertaining. That is probably because of the feeling you get when you watch it. If it is a well made thriller you will always want to know what is going to happen next and therefore never stop watching half way through. If a thriller is good it’s entertaining and this means there’s a higher chance I’ll keep watching it over again because you’ll get the urge to.

3). Why do you think Thrillers are entertaining and interesting?
They make you think as its psychological your brain is trying to predict what is happening next and how it might happen. It gives you an adrenaline rush keeps it flowing as it is very stimulating. Also like I said before thrillers have many possibly so it’s very hard to predict what will happen next so you have to continue watching to find out more which makes it all the better.

4). what do you feel about movies overall?
They are entertaining and so many different things to watch so there’s a movie for every occasion and mood. It gives you choice and you always have something to do. It keeps you on your feet the whole time. Movies have a long process to be completed therefore when a movie comes out that I think has been made well I watch it. Movies make reality seem boring therefore I love movies because I can get into the plot so quickly because they mostly exaggerate life which is always good to see. However you get those movies which are made badly with bad plots swell which make me want to stop watching them and it kind of puts a halt on that genre for a little.

5). what age would you think Thriller films are aimed at and why?
It depends about 12-15 + because they are more brain stimulating and you easily get hooked on it. Also at the age of 12-15+ you are scared but not that scared as you know about what is real. However I think really good thrillers are aimed higher from 17-adults (30-40) because they have more of a plot if its aimed for a younger audience then the plot has to be less thrilling and more simple because of the consequences that film producers or the production company will get if they show anything inappropriate like to much violence etc. However I think with new times they are more likely to be aimed younger because children watch anything so they have to cover all their bases.

6). what is your opinion about the film industry?
I think it’s fantastic, entertaining. Gives you something to do. Get new films to watch everyday all different so you never get bored. A lot of advertising to help businesses. There is a topic plot for everyone. It’s artistic, imaginative and a lot of hard work which ends up making a lot of people laugh and keeps people having fun. The film industry seems to spend massive amounts of money and take so long to produce. I think the longer they take to produce a film the more thought they put into it and so I will be more likely to watch it because of it.

7). Do you think the film plot should be interesting?
Yes because it holds your interest and you’ll watch it to the end. What’s the point in watching a film you don’t like? The plot is the bases of the film you can not get a film without the plot. So I think the plot is the main part and if it isn’t interesting then the film will be a fail. The plot holds your attentions makes you react the way you do so therefore I think the plot should most definitely be interesting.

- …So you’d just walk out of the cinema if you didn’t like the film?
Yes probably but maybe watch a little longer first to see if anything interesting would come on, but only because I paid for it! It really depends if I couldn’t stand the film and it’s a complete fail then yes I would walk out because it would be a waist of completely good hours which I could use to do something more productive.

8).Why is Thriller plots important and what do you like to see in one?
I like the psychological aspect. I’d like to see variations of things that the mind could conjure up visions or anything interesting and will make you hooked on the film. The plot is important because it’s the base of the film it makes the entire scenes link and makes them interesting. I think one of the best film plots is ‘Inception’ and that movie had a lot of hits, a lot of people enjoyed it. I think that’s because of the way it challenged your mind to get to the point I found it exciting and interesting. However I always feel to watch a thriller and understand and enjoy it you have to be fully awake or it just won’t go through your head and you will end up confused and hating the movie only because you don’t understand it.

9). How does the film genre make you feel while you’re watching it?
Makes me feel emotional, excited it varies depending on the plot for example Casino Royale was exciting and interesting however Butterfly effect was emotional and the characters really make you feel as if you’re in their place which pushes your motions a bit more. I feel that different movies play on you emotions differently and they are determined by the production team being the film they make the movie act on the audience’s emotions depending on how they expect you to feel at that point. If you look at a romance movie and then you look at a thriller they are two completely different genres and therefore are intended to make your emotions towards them different. The romance will probably make you feel happy, intrigued and maybe sad. However the thriller will give you a boost, adrenaline rushes and excitement. So I think it varies however most films within a genre make you feel similar.

- … So do you think characters are important and play on your emotions?
Yes because they build up on the story their feeling and emotions are passed on to the watcher if they are successful at their acting. The character builds up whether you watch a film or not because a full a* cast will probably have a long queue to be watched because people know the actors and actresses and they will know how well they can act but a cast where people don’t exactly know who they are will be likely to get less of an audience. If your talking about the characters of the film and their backgrounds the people the actors are trying to be then that is very important too as it decides whether the plot will be interesting the characters are part of the plot too.

10). what is the best way in your opinion to start a Thriller film? (E.g. start with the ending, someone dead, someone just murdered)
A dead body because it makes you question what happened, how did it happen it gives you a sense of fear already just knowing someone is on the loose as you watch it and sere all the characters you wonder who did it so it all links to the beginning therefore my opinion is that the beginning should be interesting and should be the main part of the plot in a way maybe telling you how it happened or showing you the start of major events to come. But it really depends on the film some films are just interesting and therefore I don’t really mind how they start as long as they catch my attention but I think the beginning an ending of the movie holds great importance and determines if the middle will be good.

Interview 2 

1). What do you like about the Thriller genre? And why?
It’s very nerving you never know what’s going to happen so you feel anticipation throughout it which can be annoying but it’s what makes it so good you never know anything and it’s hard to guess because it can be so many different outcomes it has such a exciting thrilling plot that always keeps you awake. I really like this because it creates a whole other feeling from any other film genre. Thillers have the effect on you that leaves you with a anticipation and excitment that doesn’t leave until it ends and even after that you just want to watch it again. Thillers are one of my favourite film genres mostly because of that aspect. I just love the way it makes you feel as if almost shaky as you can’t believe what just happened or your waiting to know what will happen next. You always want to know what will happen and if you don’t you get this feeling which is annoying but i love it!

- …What type of feeling does it give you that no other film does?
It is as if you are there with them feeling how they feel. The thriller films I’ve watched give me such emotions that I can almost feel how the actor or actress feels. It puts you in their position and I like the feeling of excitement from wanting to know what will happen next but it not being revealed it creates all these situations that are so different from a romance film or a crime film. I like the anticipation it creates and the way you never know enough you always feel that excitment and thrill that they work so hard to create its the whole aspect that interests and attracts me.

2). Do you find Thrillers entertaining?
Of course all thrillers are completely entertaining and enticing they drag you into the plot so deeply it gives you adrenaline and you are wide awake because you don’t want to miss anything. Thrillers cause the most chaos in your brain and mind as your constantly trying to figure what will happen even though there are million of possibilities that say otherwise. You always focus on the film it keeps you truly entertwined in the plot. Thillers also include some of the most interesting characters and i think there a certain actors and actresses that are truly talented who will act in the specific film genre therefore the actors and actresses in a thriller you know they will truly be good.

3). Why do you think Thrillers are entertaining and interesting?
Because you never know what’s going to happen the plot in intertwined with so many situations and you can never really know what character is the villain and which one is the victim. It is completely different, no thrillers are the same they all are different they might have the same storyline but they never have the same scenes they are all set in different views which make it so much better because you don’t know what the outcome will be. Also they can change anything at anytime and you will never figure it out completely. Its just so hard to untwine the movie before hand so you know what will happen i have never watched a thriller which does that. I also think thrillers are interesting and entertaining because you can have two genres in one as with the othere genres its just one. For example a thriller could be a romance thriller or a crime thriller however other genres are just horror, crime, romance. Never two things you never get a romance crime movie. It may include the aspect but never defined as both.

4). What do you feel about movies overall?
I love watching movies or just hearing about them because you can never get bored watching, if a movie is made well it just grabs you mentally. I think movies bring us to see how life could be and how it could be made it just gives you that extra boost to hold onto your fantasy. It makes life more fun, more simple in a way because you see how complex they make films and then get that excitement and feeling that holds you on to how simple life is compared but how their endings are never like the ones in reality so it makes you feel different you get a different feeling compared to the oneyou would in reality.

5). What age would you think Thriller films are aimed at and why?
I think it depends, a lot of younger children are starting to watch thrillers but I think 14 and 15 year olds would be the best age for people to start watching thrillers because they can be quite explicit and sometimes scary. Yet i think thrillers are normal based on ages that are older such as 18/19 onwards because they have certain aspects that make a thriller that would not be aimed at the younger generation because of their explicity. Saying that a lot of children now days more more then we would think and therefore i think it really depends its changed a lot now. However overall i think that it should be aimed at people much older.

6). What is your opinion about the film industry?
The film industry is really interesting because they are always making new films which are really interesting because you can never be bored. However I think new films being brought out so often can be so expensive for us consumers because we always have to keep up watching movies to be on top. Films are amazing because they are made in so many different ways it’s nice to watch films that are made in so many ways. I personally like the whole film industry and find it exciting yet i’m probaly addicted to them so i spend a lot of money on either buying the films or always going to the cinema, which it can get very expensive. Yet the film industry is amazing that we really dn’t think and it never ends up making a difference we will always buy the movie or go see it i the cinema without thinking twice about it.

7). Do you think the film plot should be interesting?
Yes I think the plot makes the whole film up if the plot isn’t interesting then no one will want to watch it. If no one watches it they will not make the money up that the production of the film cost which is a large loss of money. Without the interesting plot the film would be a failure because the plot is what make the audience feel emotionally and get a better grasp of the concet the thiller or other film genre is trying to portray.

- …So you’d what would you do if you didn’t like a film?
I think I would watch it to see what will happen but it won’t be a movie I buy or keep or watch again. It really depends but i wouldn’t walk out of the cinema in case it gets better and also because i paid of it i would want to know what happens and still watch as long as it is a film i’m there!

8).Why is Thriller plots important and what do you like to see in one?
They are important because of what I said in the above question but I would like to see a plot which drags you into it. One which will make you thinks you are the character it needs to have good characters that can portray emotions very well and a plot which has a kick to it. I believe a thriller should be psychological it should take you mentally and not just physically if that makes sense. The plot of a thriller film is proaly the most important part and the most thought about part int he whole production it depends on how it is portrayed by the characters but also on the writer and who ever is scripting the film. They probaly need to be the most skilled together with the producer, director, editor and camera crew.

9). How does the film genre make you feel while you’re watching it?
It makes get a dizzy churning stomach because like I said you never know what will happen next . So it makes me excited and nervous. However i still think it depends on the film and what sub genre of the thriller it is they all make me feel completely different. So t really depends on what the film is about and basically the plot of the film holds a large issue in the way it makes me feel while i am watching it.

10). What is the best way in your opinion to start a Thriller film? (E.g. Start with the ending, someone dead, someone just murdered)
I think this is a hard question because there are so many ways in which to start a thriller that really has an effect on you and for different people it may be different but I think the best way is probably to start with someone dead it just straight away creates this whole new feel to the movie. Yet i think there are many ways a film is started that make it sucessful i also like how people start when it is the end of the film at the begining like most thrillers i find are made like that which may give you the end but makes you so much more into the movie because you want to know why it happened?, what happened?, and how? This just makes it that much more entertaining and interesting.

- …What type of feel does it give you when it starts with a dead person?
 It creates tension and brings you straight into the reality of the movie which creates anticipation and makes you think of the million possible things that could have happened and I find that the characters can never be who you think they are its very hard to pin point people so it creates a lot of tension.


From the Questionnaires I found out that all 10 people I asked said they enjoyed the Thriller genre by giving a rating of the number highest possible (10). From the interviews I received information from question 2 and 3 that the two people I asked thought they were entertaining and exciting. Giving the watcher an adrenaline rush which makes them think about what will happen next and works their brains creating anticipation as it is stimulating. The most preferred sub-genre from the Thriller films turned out to be Horror, Action and Supernatural. The least popular was Science Fiction. This was supported from the interviews (Question 10) as both people said that the film should start with a dead body scene this would normally be portrayed and shown in mostly the Horror sub-genre and Crime however crime wasn’t as popular in the questionnaires. This tells us that Horror would be the best Thriller to make an opening sequence from as it seems that was the only thriller sub-genre that both people from the questionnaires and interviews agreed with. People seem to find that the characters in a film are very influential to whether a movie is watched and also most people find that characters are what play on their emotions. Therefore we need to use characters that are believable and that can portray their emotions in the best way to grab and hold on to the watchers attention in order to make the film opening sequence the most enticing. Overall people need to get the feel that they want to know more and watch more than the 5 minutes opening sequence. The characters will help do this if they are good as they will play on the audience’s emotions and morality to leave them wanting more than is shown.  Most people think Thrillers should be watched starting from the age 15-ish therefore telling us that we should make out film at the certificate rating of 15. Our film plot need to be very catchy and shouldn’t give away the whole film it should leave the audience thinking about the many possible outcomes never knowing which on until the end. The plot should not be given away as it is what makes people watch on and excited. A lot of people that watch Thrillers like to get a feeling of actually being the character and understanding what they are going through even if it isn’t realistic such a supernatural films.

In conclusion by doing the questionnaires and interviews we create more information on what the public wants. I found out valuable information which will direct us to making the best opening sequence possible. Using this information I found out that making a Horror Thriller will be the best genre and by using good characters, setting and music will make the sequence successful overall as it will give the watcher the feeling of anticipation and excitement but yet nervous. It also has to make them need to think but not over-think as they might not concentrate completely on the film. Doing all this will make it successful.


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