Target Audience - Anthony

| 2 February 2011 | |

Target Audience


Which age range do you fit into?A. 16-18B. 18-24C. 24-40D. 40-60

E. 60+

What is your preferred genre?
A. Horror
B. Thriller
C. Romance
D. Comedy
E. Action/Adventure
F. Historical
G. Sci-fi/Fantasy 
H. Documentary
I. Western
J. Musical

What genre do you dislike?A. HorrorB. ThrillerC. RomanceD. ComedyE. Action/AdventureF. HistoricalG. Sci-fi/FantasyH. DocumentaryI. WesternJ. Musical

On average, how often do you watch a thriller film (either at home or at the cinema)?

A. Once a week

B. Less than a month but more than a week

C. Once a month

D. Once every 3 months
E. Once every 6 months
F. Never

On a scale of 1 – 10, how would you rate the thriller genre in terms of entertainment? (10 being highest)

 Which sub genre of thriller would you find most interesting to watch?
A. Horror-thriller: A thriller story about death and murder, where there is a group of characters and throughout the film characters are killed off leaving one or two characters left. The antagonist in a horror thriller are usually serial killers however it could also be something life a virus.
B. Psychological thriller: A thriller that focuses on the psychological condition of the antagonist that presents obstacles to his objective and the villain usually is related to the hero’s condition or they increase the mental disturbance of the hero. Some psychological thrillers are also about complicated stories that try to deliberately confuse the audience.
C. Crime thriller: A thriller story that revolves around the life of detectives, mobs, or other groups associated with criminal events in the story.
D. action-thriller: A thriller story whose theme is usually based on some conflict between two countries and an agent who acts on behalf on one of the countries.
E. Political thrillers: where the hero must ensure the stability of the government by solving a political power struggle that usually the villain of the story has obtained.

Do you like going to the cinema?

Are you male or female?

Questionnaire Results

Which age range do you fit into?
A. 16-18B. 18-24C. 24-40D. 40-60E. 60+

What is your preferred genre?
A. HorrorB. ThrillerC. RomanceD. ComedyE. Action/AdventureF. HistoricalG. Sci-fi/FantasyH. Documentary
I. WesternJ. Musical 
What genre do you dislike

A. Horror
B. Thriller
C. Romance
D. ComedyE. Action/AdventureF. HistoricalG. Sci-fi/FantasyH. DocumentaryI. WesternJ. Musical

On average, how often do you watch a thriller film (either at home or at the cinema)?

A. Once a week
B. Less than a month but more than a week
C. Once a month
D. Once every 3 months
E. Once every 6 months
F. Never

On a scale of 1 – 10, how would you rate the thriller genre in terms of entertainment? (10 being highest)

Which sub genre of thriller would you find most interesting to watch?
A. Horror-thriller: A thriller story about death and murder, where there is a group of characters and throughout the film characters are killed off leaving one or two characters left. The antagonist in a horror thriller are usually serial killers however it could also be something life a virus.
B. Psychological thriller: A thriller that focuses on the psychological condition of the antagonist that presents obstacles to his objective and the villain usually is related to the hero’s condition or they increase the mental disturbance of the hero. Some psychological thrillers are also about complicated stories that try to deliberately confuse the audience.
C. Crime thriller: A thriller story that revolves around the life of detectives, mobs, or other groups associated with criminal events in the story.
D. action-thriller: A thriller story whose theme is usually based on some conflict between two countries and an agent who acts on behalf on one of the countries.
E. Political thrillers: where the hero must ensure the stability of the government by solving a political power struggle that usually the villain of the story has obtained.

Do you like going to the cinema?
A. Yes
B. No
Are you male or female?
A. Yes
B .No


The first interview was done with an eighteen year old male in full time education.

So what’s your most favourite movie?
Well there are a few films that I like, such as ‘the dark knight’ and ‘V for Vendetta’ but I think that my most favourite film has to be the film ‘A Clock Work Orange’. I have only seen it recently but I enjoyed it because it was really unique and it appealed to me.

And what is it that you like about this movie?
Well I like the movie because it makes you feel a lot of mixed emotions towards the characters for example in one scene the main character ‘Alex’ beats a woman to death with a giant penis statue which is funny but just before that he and his friends gang rape a woman and beat up an old man.

Overall what would you say was your most favourite genre?
Overall I would say that my most favourite genre has to be Horror. I don’t hate other genres its just that horrors appeal more to my tastes and genres like romance and sci-fi can get a bit boring and repetitive in my opinion.

And why do you like this genre?
Well I like a horror because it’s exciting and it’s fun to watch it with other people because a lot of the time you only get scared because you know someone else beside you is scared. I also like to watch horrors because they’re always trying to find new ways to scare you while romance films are boring and predictable.

What do you think about thrillers?
Thrillers are okay, you can get good and bad thrillers for example I like the thriller ‘V For Vendetta’ because it appeals to me with all its messages about standing up for your rights and its also has action in it which also makes the film exciting. However I do not like the film ‘The Village’ because I thought that it wasn’t well thought out and a bit stupid.

Do you like having mystery in the films you watch?
Yeah I like there being a mystery because it adds to the excitement of the film and it lets the audience become more immersed into the story of the film and it makes the whole viewing experience more enjoyable.

What are some things you don’t like to see in films?
I don’t like it where the answer to the mystery in a film is really obvious like in the Korean film‘Old Boy’ where it obvious at the end of the movie that the villain had planned for everything to happen in the movie and that the main character ended up falling in love with his daughter. I also don’t like it when the movie gets to confusing, like inception because it gets hard to follow and you lose interest.

What makes a movie confusing to you?
You know like when there are too many characters and you can’t remember all their names or like in inception where they are trying to explain the concepts of the movie and they put to much thought into it and the average person cannot understand.

Who would you say horrors are more targeted towards?
I would say Teenagers because in most of the films the characters are teenagers. It’s rare that you would get adults in horror unless they’re playing the parents of the main characters or sometimes police. I think they use teenagers because in horror movies the characters are always reckless and do whatever they want to do which is a stereotype of teenagers.

The second interview was done with a twenty-seven four old female in full time work.

So what is your favourite movie?
My favourite film has to be ‘Harry potter and the philosopher's stone’. I also like the film ‘Pretty Woman’ and ‘Twilight’ because I love romance films. But I would have to say that ‘Harry potter and the philosopher's stone’ is my upmost favourite.

And what is it that you like about the movie?
It’s my favourite film because I loved reading the book and to be able to see it being be made into a movie was so exciting. I mean you could read the book but its hard to picture some of the things they talk about like the troll and the part where Voldermort first appears drinking the unicorn blood, so to be able to actually see it was what made it my favourite.

Overall what would you say is your most favourite genre?
It would have to be between horror, comedy and romance. I like watching horrors because the thrill is just exciting, being on the edge of your seat. I like to watch comedy’s because it’s always enjoyable to laugh especially when your with friends and I like watching romantic films because they always have a happy ending and they cheer you up.

What do you think about thrillers?
Yeah I like thrillers as well some of my favourite films are thrillers. I have started to watch the ‘Twilight’ movie’s, which is a good romantic supernatural thriller, and I like it because it’s like a modern day Romeo and Juliet. Also thrillers are good because they make you think rather then just sitting they’re looking at a screen.

Do you like having mystery in the films you watch?
Yeah mystery is a good thing to have in movies but it’s only good if you can follow it, if you forgot key parts of the story then your not going to understand the reveal of the answer and your just going to be confused. Like in inception I forgot about the spinning top not stopping thing and had to have someone explain it to me.

What are some things you don’t like to see in films?
I don’t like seeing too much blood and guts in horror movies, it’s a bit weird, I don’t see the need for them to put it in. I know they have to put some in because it adds to the effect and scares you but in a lot of films they go over the top with the blood and guts and it just makes you feel sick.

Do horror movies like ‘Saw’ put you off horror movies then?
Yeah it does actually; I don’t know why anyone would want to watch people getting tortured, the film ‘Saw’ was not even scary it just made you feel sick and cringe a bit, but that’s not being scared there two completely different things. So in my opinion ‘Saw’ is not a real horror film.

What was the last film you saw and what did you think of it?
The last film I saw was ‘Paranormal activity 2’, it was kind of crap compared to the first one and it wasn’t really scary like the first one because there was too much stuff going on in the second one that it didn’t have the same feel as the first one.

Target audience Conclusion

From my research of my target audience I had found certain common preferences among the majority of my target group. I have analysed the information I have gathered from my questionnaires and interviews which used a range of varied questions in order to find what people liked to see in movies and what they expected of certain genres.

I would say from my research that the target audience would be in the 15+ age range and from my research I have also found that they are likely to watch a thriller and enjoy it, I have also found that they also enjoy Horrors so this is something to consider when coming up with my own ideas for an opening sequence of a film. From my research I have also found that most people dislike genres such as westerns and musicals so I will make sure to keep my work far from those genres so as to appeal more to the target audience. Another subject which I found was widely popular among my research subjects was that they all enjoyed mystery in their films as it made it more exciting and enjoyable. I also found that all of my research subjects enjoy a thriller having an opening with a lot of information, mystery and Horror packed into the opening of the movie, so this is something I will consider when my group starts to produce are opening video.

I believe that I could appeal to my target audience by including horror and mystery in my opening sequence as I they are both widely popular and I believe that those genres will attract the most people out of my target audience.

In conclusion I would say that I have gathered a good amount of research on what the target audience expect to see in films and what their preferences are, so with this information I hope to be able to create a movie opening sequence that will be the best in attracting my target audience and will fit the genre of Thriller and Horror. I will also research further into Horror so that I can make the best horror I can and appeal most to my target audience.                                       


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