Target Audience - Zamu

| 3 February 2011 | |

Target Audience

1. Gender:
Male          Female


 12 -14          15-18          18-21          21+

Do you like watching thriller films?

 Yes          No

How often do you watch thriller films?

 Less than once a month
About once a monthMore than once a month

What type of thriller do you prefer?

 Action     Sci-fi     Horror    Crime    Supernatural     
Conspiracy    Psychological

5b. What do you like about the thriller genre?

Confusion     Mystery     Suspense     Compelling Characters     
Hero vs. Villain    

In your opinion, what would the most important element in a thriller be out of the choices 

Setting     Acting     Special Effects     Prop/Costumes   

How should the story of the film unfold?

Quickly      Medium paced     Slowly

Do you prefer to watch a female lead role or male lead role in a thriller film?

Male lead role     Female lead role

Interview One
What do you like most about thriller films and why?I like the tension in thriller films. I find it very engaging and hooking when a film has that extra tension that makes you want to scream and continue watching on even though you are scared petrified of what might come next. Also, when a thriller film has a good narrative behind all the effects, I think it makes the film even better.
Do you like being scared when watching thriller films and why?I don’t like being scared by a thriller film but I prefer to be confused and disorientated within the plot like psychological thrillers kind of make the audience figure the story out for themselves. I don’t like horror like saw and chainsaw massacre because I think it’s just a waste of film and it’s useless just to show horrible murders. I feel that in order to really get the audience involved, the horror has to have a reason behind it and have a conclusive ending that sends a chill or deep meaning to the audience at the end of the film.
What in particular scares you when watching films?I love tension, like old fashion Alfred Hitchcock film, as it shows without the special effects, you can still really make a good atmosphere and also I like jaws because the music is terrifying and builds tension. Its that kind of scary music that really builds up the tension for me as the terrifying music indicates that something bad or horrifying is about to happen but the worst part is that you don’t know when it’s going to happen so it pumps up your heart before you’ve even seen anything to scream about!
Have you got a particular favorite film director and why do you like them?I like director Luc Besson as his films are sometimes in black but modern at the same time and he uses really interesting camera techniques. I’ve watched quite a few of films and have really grown fond as to he manages to use camera techniques to engage the audience and actually look at the way the film is being presented rather than just simply watching the movie complacently
How do you think the opening of a thriller should open?I think it would be great to have action immediately to grab the audience’s attention. Anything like running, screaming, fast paced tension building music, just as long as you grab the audiences attention enough to make them want to continue watching the film. I feel that if there is no hook to grab the audience’s attention, they might end up getting bored before the movie has even started, especially for the younger audience as they have a short attention span. However if you start with that much power and energy, then you need to carry it all the way through and make it believable. There are movies out there that start of amazing but then loose their sizzle in the middle and end of film which by then, the audience have switched off and looking for another movie.
Interview Two
What do you like most about thriller films and why?
I don’t really like thriller films because they are scary and frighten me. I don’t like things that I don’t expect because usually in thriller films, the things that randomly shock you are so graphic, abnormal and horrible, you know, the things nightmares are made of and I’m not a big fan of mine or anyone else’s nightmares.
Do you like being scared when watching thriller films and why?
No I hate being scared. I have to know what’s coming up. It’s the sheer fear of the unexpected for me and even though I know It’s all fake, there are some thrillers that seem too realistic to the point where you think what happens in the film might happen to you. Plus there are some movies that even say that they are based on true stories which are even more frightening as there are more chances of it coming true. The worst part after watching a thriller film is that you are left in a petrified mode and everything around in your natural environment seems to be evil and scares you to. It takes some time for me to get over this phase after watching a really scary movie so that’s why I don’t like watching them.
What in particular scares you when watching films?
Horror films that have some unknown evil power that won’t stop brutally killing people for no good reason. Also, the scary music with random things jumping out at you through the screen doesn’t help as it just adds fuel to the fire making you even more than you really should be. Basically all unexpected surprises scare the life out of me. Also, I hate violence and gory stuff like blood pouring everywhere, people screaming in pain, bodies being mercilessly chopped to pieces. Oh, and I also find ghosts and possessed little children really scary to as they are just so innocent yet so evil.
Have you got a particular favorite film director and why do you like them?
Joe Wright because he does really beautiful scenery the landscapes and visuals that linger in a wonderful way, for example in atonement, there is a8 minute scene taken in one shot of Dunkirk from world war 2. It’s moments like this in a film that really grab the audience’s attention and makes them love the film even more. Her types of films give you time to think and really absorb the meaning and tale of the story which I love.
How do you think the opening of a thriller should open?
Usually in most thrillers, there is a massive scare or a scream at the beginning to give the audience a little jump and to create that tension need for the rest of the film. I find that a lot of action takes place at the beginning of thrillers which is probably to create confusion and mystery because as the audience, we don’t know why these people are fighting or running so we then have o figure It out in the process of being frightened and shocked and scared of what might come next. To add to the whole confusion, scary tension building music is used all the time to keep the scared and very alert like any change the music will scare them especially when put under the action of someone running looking absolutely petrified.

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