Script Development - Characteristics

| 4 February 2011 | |
Script Development



Changes & (Explanation)

4 Girls – First one is 7 years old (Changed to 10 years old), her name will be Samantha (Sam).
             - Second girl is 9 years old
(Changed to 10 years old), her name will be Lulu. 
             - Third girl is 9 years old(Changed to 10 years old), her name will be Emily.
You can tell the girls are young because of their childish characteristics such as their tone of voice which is very whiney.
3 of the children will be playing in a park so their age can also be determined easily by the audience. These 3 children will be dead when we enter the premise where Drake and his carer commit the murders.
             - The last girl, Mary will be the one that is being tortured. She will be 6 years old.

1 Boy – looks younger (around 9 years old) but is actually older, 13 years old. His name will be Drake. (Changed to a girl because we couldn't find a boy who is 7 years old. Her name will be Ruby).
He will have the mentality of a older man and therefore the audience will be able to figure this out by his actions which will show the nasty side of him and the sickness that makes him the murder (shown when he says “that’s a nice touch” – when the mum(Changed into a man carer to contrast the girl murderer) puts the teddy on the freshly murdered children.

Lady who is boy’s carer – she is 40 years old. (Lady carer changed to a man carer whose name is Jack, he looks after the girl, Ruby - He is 23 years old.
She is a mature, alert lady who is the carer for the boy, Drake. Her main objective is to keep Drake safe as he lost his parents therefore the carer has kept a close relationship with him in order to take care of him. She does whatever he asks with this close intention in mind. (Everything else kept the same just changed to man(carer) named Jack, looking after Ruby)

Drake is mixed race, he is white and Indian Asian.(Ruby is a light skinned Black girl) 

The carer is British white lady.

4 Girls: - Samantha – She is light black skinned.
              - Lulu – Is Indian Asian.
              - Emily – Is Indian Asian.
              - Mary – She is light black skinned.
Social Class / Status
The 3 girls at the park, you can tell they were part of the higher class because they will be wearing jewellery and will have hand bags. They will also have belongings on them such as teddy bears and a Barbie doll. 3 of the girls will be well dressed in fashionable modern clothing and have neat and tidy hair. They will look clean and tidy showing that their parents take pleasure in making them look presentable. The last girl Mary, the audience will not be able to tell she is neat and tidy like the others because the first time we see her she will be in Drakes house where we see her being tortured.

Boy – He is middle class. You can tell this because of the house/warehouse we see him and his carer entering it is a normal house seen on the street so you wouldn’t even consider anything such as murder would be happening inside the house. So Drake and his carer have blended into the neighbourhood and are seen as being normal individuals and not the murders they are.

Carer – She will be middle class too. She does not work because she is always with Drake who is always in need of assistance.
Gender / Sexuality
The 4 girls – They portray feminine characteristics in their personality and appearance. They are young girls who walk around the park with handbags wishing to be older women.

Boy – Drake.

Carer – She is a female, who looks after Drake the boy and is single.(Male, Who looks after Ruby and is single).

Ability / Disability
Drake will be disabled in a wheelchair. He won’t be able to use his body and has a carer who does everything for him. She is his hands and feet.(Ruby pretends to have disabilities, she is perpetuating she pretends to have a stuttering disability as well as a limp she pretends to born with. When she gets to the warehouse/house you can see it was all a mask and she really only did it to gain sympathy).  He also uses his disability to gain sympathy from his carer who it seems will do anything for him and will be glad to do it. Drake takes full advantage of this.

The carer has the ability to look past what is sane and does whatever is asked of her by Drake. She will be the one that acts out the murders as Drake uses his disability against her.
Regional Identity
Since it will be shot in North West London all characters will be originated in North West London.
Park will be the Harrow Weald Park near the college.
Cemetery for Grave scene will be in Harrow area.
Warehouse/House in Stanmore.
Every scene will be in the Harrow area in North West London.
Marital / Family Status
The relationship between the carer and Drake is like step-mum and son(Step-dad and Daughter). There is no man in their life. The carer feels guilty and will do anything for Drake.  In addition the carer has no life of her own. Her life is completely dominated by Drake. They have no family resemblance however they have a very close relationship with one another which is shown by their closeness in the deeds that they commit.

The girls are not related but friends who do not know the boy. The 3 girls have built a friendship as they go to the same park. However they have no relationship with the 4th girl in the room (Drakes house).
Physical Looks / Build / Mannerisms/ Personality
Boy – Looks evil, in a wheelchair, has a twitch to his eye, looks healthy, and takes advantage of his disability. He has a mentality of a criminal yet he is childish as he likes to destroy toys and be destructive. (The toys will be shown torn apart from each other and different sections of their bodies apart etc). Drake will be well dressed and despite being a murderer cares for his appearance. He wears skull rings and plaster around his thumb which emphasise the destructiveness and the fact that he is a murderer or the voice to the murder. He gets a sense of sick pleasure from the deaths as he likes to listen to radio interviews of mothers pleading to see their children again. He has brown eyes and hair. You can tell he is strong when he grips the fence hard and this also co notates he has a bad angry temper.

Carer – The audience will see she has the same mentality of DrakeShe is twisted around her Drakes finger; she would do anything for him because she feels guilty that he is disabled as well as having no real mother or father. She will be seen as frail and easy to take advantage of by her hands showing she is quite old and hasn’t aged well. She cannot say ‘NO’ to him as she is a push over. She will look old have dark bags around her eyes and look messy and scruffy. In the house she has placed a picture of coco the clown which is a joke between her and Drake.

Girls – 3 of them are already dead. You do not see much of them but in one of the scenes you do see them walking around with hand bags wanting to be pretty young girls. The girls at the park have a few belongings showing they like Barbie dolls and teddy bears. Samantha one of the girls has long legs and is slim. She enjoys maths and taking photographs. This will be shown in the park as she will be holding camera in the park. Lulu another girl has shoulder length hair she wears glasses and enjoys playing at the park and shopping. Emily looks similar to Lulu; she has medium length hair and enjoys comedy and having fun. She is good in school and wears glasses too.
The last girl Mary is shown as scared. She is the one who will be murdered you do not see her personality as she is covered in blood. Mary will be plump looking with light black skin.
All 4 girls have brown eyes and hair.
Costume / Hair / Makeup
Carer – She has messy hair tied up roughly in a pony tail. She wears track suit bottoms and a baggy top to show she is comfortable and doesn’t have the time to make herself look pretty(decent) and presentable. She has big dark under-eye circles showing she is sleep deprived and is too focused on pleasing DrakeShe wears trainers for comfort and so she can do all the work that Drake requires of her. No makeup she is very natural. No extra accessories are worn.

Drake – He has rugged curly hair which is brown.  He is wearing a football shirt supporting Manchester United (Not any more because the murder (Drake) is now a girl Ruby). He also has skull rings on showing his evil personality. This is in complete contrast to a boy supporting Man United. He is clean shaven and neat and tidy.

Girls – At the park; They like Hannah Montana and playing with. They are wearing a Hannah Montana t-shirt; holding handbags; wearing jewellery and having fun at the park.
In the house; The girls will have blood on their face. The dead girls will be bloody, messy hair and all beaten up look. Covered up in a blanket.
 The other girl, Mary will look almost the same with split eyebrows etc. She will have blood over her clothes and face she also has brown hair with twists in it. Her shoulder length hair will be messy as she is being tortured.  She will also be crying blood.
Representation Issues
-          Drake is disabled and is seen in a wheelchair(limp, stuttering) which at first makes him look innocent until they see what he is actually like (at the warehouse when she stops acting with all these perpetuated disabilities).
-          Drake has a twitch in his eye making him stand out similar to a typical murders appearance.
-          Kid being a murderer.
-          The carer represents the obsessive ‘Mother’ who cares for her child too much we will be willing to do anything for him.
-          There is a twist in the representation of the female carer as she murders the 4 girls by Drakes command.(Male carer as he murders the girls commanded by Ruby).


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